Pausha Putrada Ekadashi Vrat 2145
When is Pausha Putrada Ekadashi in 2145?
January, 2145
![Pausha Putrada Ekadashi](/images/ekadashi.jpg)
Pausha Putrada Ekadashi Vrat Muhurat For New Delhi, India
Pausha Putrada Ekadashi Parana Time :
08:23:10 to 09:19:28 on 5th, January
Duration :
0 Hour 56 Minute
Hari Vasara End Moment :
at 08:23:10 on 5th, January
Ekadashi in Shukla Paksha during Pausha month is called Pausha Putrada Ekadashi. Sudarshan Chakradhari Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. It is believed that if a person fasts on this day, she/he is blessed with a child and so the name Pausha Putrada Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is very popular among female community. The effect of this Ekadashi fast also protects one’s child from all wrongdoings and evil.
Pausha Putrada Ekadashi Vrat Puja Vidhi
One should worship Lord Vishnu devotedly on the day of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi. Puja rituals for the fast are as follows:
1. One should have Sattvic food only one time on the day of Dashami, and follow the rules of the fast and Brahmacharya strictly.
2. Take vows for the fast after bathing in the early morning. Offer Ganga water, Tulsidal (multiple tulsi leaves tied together), sesame seeds, flowers and Panchamrit, and worship Lord Narayana.
3. One should not drink water while fasting for this Ekadashi (Nirjala Vrat). If they want, they can have fruits after lighting lamps (Deep Daan) in the evening.
4. Next day on Dwadashi, feed and donate things to the needy and Brahmins. Then, open your fast.
How to fulfill your wish for an Offspring?
● At early morning, both husband and wife should worship Lord Krishna together.
● Chant Santan Gopal mantra.
● After chanting the mantra, both should have the Prasad.
● Donate things and feed the poor as per your heart’s desire.
Story of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi
Once upon a time, King Suketu ruled Bhadravathi city. His wife’s name was Shaivya. They had no offspring and were unhappy. One day, they handed over their kingdom to their minister (Mantri) and went to the forest. They thought to commit suicide. But then the King realized that there is no bigger sin than suicide. Then, they heard the voices reciting Vedas and moved in that direction. When they reached there, they met hermits (Rishi), who told them the importance of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi. After that, both of them performed the fast of this Ekadashi, as a result of which they were blessed with a child. Since then, the value of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi kept on increasing. So, those couples who are childless must perform the fast of Pausha Putrada Ekadashi devotedly to get the blessings of the God in the form of a child.
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