ആംലാക്കി ഏകാദശി അവസാനിക്കുന്ന സമയം : 06:36:06 to 08:58:16 on 11, മാർച്ച്
സമയ ദൈര്ഘ്യം : 2 മണിക്കൂർ 22 മിനിറ്റ്
Amla holds of a special importance on Amalaki Ekadashi. On this day, Amla is used in every task, from worship to food. Amalaki Ekadashi puja rituals are as follows:
1. On this day, wake up early, resolute for fasting and remember Lord Vishnu.
2. After taking a resolution, take a holy bath and worship the lord. Light up a diya with ghee or purified butter and recite Vishnu Sahasranama.
3. Establish an urn with Navratna under an Amla tree after the puja. In case Amla tree isn’t available, you can offer Amla to Lord Vishnu as a sacrament (prasad).
4. Worship Amla tree with incense sticks, diya, sandalwood, vermillion, flowers, rice etc. and feed the poor or brahmin.
5. On the next day, i.e. twelfth day, take a bath, worship Lord Vishnu and donate that urn, clothes and Amla to a needy person. After that, consume food and open your fast.
According to Padma Purana, you attain salvation as equal to visiting pilgrimages or conducting yagna by fasting on Amalaki Ekadashi. People who do not fast on this day can offer Amla to Lord Vishnu and eat themselves. According to the scriptures, consuming Amla is considered to be very beneficial on Amalaki Ekadashi.
In ancient times, a king called Chitrasen used to rule a kingdom. In his rule, Amalaki Ekadashi vrat was considered a significant event with residents carrying out the fast.
Once, the king went deep for hunting in the wilderness. Suddenly, some bandits surrounded him, and attacked him. But with the blessings of God, every weapon hurled towards him got transformed into flowers.
Due to high numbers of bandits, king lost control and fell down unconscious on the ground. Suddenly, a divine power rose from the king’s body, killed all the evil men and became invisible. After regaining consciousness, the king found all the bandits dead and became very surprised. Suddenly there came a divine announcement,
O King, all of these bandits are dead just because of you fasting on Amalaki Ekadashi. A Vaishnavi power rose from your body and massacred them. After killing them, it went back inside your body.
The king became very happy and thankful and told everyone in his kingdom about the significance of amalaki ekadashi.